- Know a hawk from a handsaw
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
know a hawk from a handsaw — If someone knows a hawk from a handsaw, they are able to distinguish things and assess them … The small dictionary of idiomes
know a hawk from a handsaw — (prob for heronshaw) to be able to judge between things pretty well • • • Main Entry: ↑hawk … Useful english dictionary
know a hawk from a handsaw — If someone knows a hawk from a handsaw, they are able to distinguish things and assess them. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Hawk (plasterer's tool) — A hawk is a plasterer s tool. It consists of a board about 25 cm (9 inches) square with a perpendicular handle fixed centrally on the reverse. It holds the mixed working plaster and is held horizontally in the craftsman s non dominant hand while… … Wikipedia
know — v 1. comprehend, realize, Inf. get through one s head, Inf. have the hang of, grasp, Inf. lay hold of, Inf. catch on, Sl. latch onto, Inf. get a fix on, Inf. get it, Inf. have it; understand, fathom, penetrate, Sl. savvy; discern, make out, Inf.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
A Hawk and a Hacksaw — Хизер Трост и Джереми Барнс из A Hawk and a Hacksaw на выступлении в 2009 году … Википедия
References to Hamlet — Numerous references to Hamlet in popular culture (in film, literature, arts, etc.) reflect the continued influence of this play, which is probably the most popular of Shakespeare s plays, judging by the number of productions. [It tops the list at … Wikipedia
North by Northwest — For North northwest and related compass directions, see Boxing the compass. North by Northwest Poster by Saul Bass. Directed by … Wikipedia
X — Einem ein X für ein U vormachen: ihn täuschen, ihn belügen, irreleiten, ihm etwas vorspiegeln, ihn betrügen, übervorteilen. Bekanntlich wurden im Mittelalter die Zahlen mit römischen Zahlzeichen ausgedrückt, wobei das V, das damals zugleich für U … Das Wörterbuch der Idiome
Maulaffe — 1. Auch Maulaffen hat man nicht umsonst feil. Frz.: On n est pas bedaud pour rien. 2. Wer die Maulaffen für sich hat, der hat gewonnen Spiel. *3. Maulaffen feil haben. – Eiselein, 455; Körte, 4133; Lohrengel, II, 378; Braun, I, 3628; für… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Skill — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Skill >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 skill skill skillfulness address Sgm: N 1 dexterity dexterity dexterousness Sgm: N 1 adroitness adroitness expertness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 proficiency … English dictionary for students